Jashinea lugubris Austen, 1937 - Identification

Length 12.5 to 14.5 mm. All black species.
Antennae with thumb-like process on upper border short.
Dorsum of thorax (including scutellum) and first abdominal tergite olive-brown, reminder of dorsum of abdomen, or at any rate third and following tergites, blackish brown; wings (cf. text-fig. 8) blackish brown, with certain paler areas or markings and two, more or less well-defined darker blotches, one occupying proximal two-thirds or four-fifths of basal cells, the other below stigma; knobs of halteres large, creamy-white or light buff, and very conspicuous; legs blackish brown, front tibiae somewhat incrassate.

Original description by Austen:
Austen, E.E. 1937. New genera and species of Ethiopian Tabanidae, subfamily Pangoniinae (Diptera). Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (C) 107: 31-34.

Illustration of wing:

iNat observations:

Posted on 10 de julho de 2023, 10:56 AM by traianbertau traianbertau


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