Rhigioglossa (Dasycompsa) apiformis (Neave, 1915) - Identification

Bee-mimic. Eyes hairy. Antennae stout and short. Female frons entirely pollinose. Thorax dusky, sparsely covered with pale buff hairs. Abdomen bright fulvous yellow, banded with black and with a median spot on the second segment. Wings hyaline, with contrastingly dark brown base.

Original description by Naeve:

Illustrated in Naeve 1915:

Recorded from Malawi; Cameroun, Congo, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Tanzania, DR Congo, Mozambique (Gorongosa); South Africa (Kruger Park).

Posted on 27 de julho de 2023, 07:46 PM by traianbertau traianbertau


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