Phase IV Identifications

Things are moving very slowly. Thanks to everyone who has helped clear the unknowns, which currently stand at 7,854 out of 130,730 observations, so 6%.

But now we need to change tack. We need to abandon the unknowns and focus on getting our identified observation up to Research Grade. So grab hold of the field guides and check up on what the specialists have been doing, and let us see how close we can move our Research Grade observations to our original target of 66.7%. Currently we are only at 33.9%.

Headline Stats

Of our 130,730 observations of 9,873 species (will we make 10,000 species this year?)

Some 819 observations have no media - these cannot be identified or verified.
Some 10,605 (8%) observations are planted or captive - please remember to mark any observations as captive if necessary!
Some 11,586 (9%) are not verifiable (this includes planted and medialess observations)
Needs ID 74,778 (57%) - our goal was to get this below 30% by Sunday night.
of which 32,139 (25%) have been identified to species and need verification for Research Grade.

Research Grade: 44,395 (34%) observations - our goal was to get this to 66% by Sunday night.

Please help with Identifications - Round 3:

Phase 1: Moving IDs to Research Grade:

These are now top priority. Please whip our your favourite field guides and check that these species are correct.

  • If so, AGREE.
  • If not, post an alternative name.
  • If you dont know, then skip.

(remember to mark each page as reviewed when done to optimize your workflow).

Phase 2: Identifying down to species from Family and Order:

(You can filter further by adding your preferred group in the "search species" box.)
If you would like to focus on your city, then add it to the "place" box at the top of the filter.

Phase 3: Mopping up Unknowns:

Phase 4: Review of Identifications:

We dont really have time for this, so it will have to be done over the rest of the year - hopefully most will be done before the Great Southern Bioblitz 2024 in September.
For the next 24 hours, this is lowest priority :: not a priority at all. Please rather review above.
If you want to check, then please click here and add the taxon you wish to review:


Good luck: this is it - the last phase.

  • FAVES: Please Fave any observations that are worthy, for any reason you think it is special. These will tally to the Observation of the City Nature Challenge, at various levels. You can also Fave any that you might want to return to after the CNC. (Your Faved observations are available on your dashboard). Please also Fave any first time observations for a species.
  • CAPTIVE/PLANTED: Remember to mark any observations that are planted or captive by ticking the Captive-Cultivated box.
  • TREES: if you cannot identify a plant, but can see that it is a tree, the please add it to the Tree ID project (you need to join first - here):
  • How the ID curation tool works. Please review this 2.3minute tutorial if you need a refresher::
Posted on 05 de maio de 2024, 08:38 AM by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


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