City Nature Challenge 2017 - Day 4

Way to keep the energy up, SF Bay Area! At the end of Day 4, we still have the lead with Dallas/Fort Worth in 2nd, Austin in 3rd, LA in 4th, and Houston in 5th.

Our stats at the end of Day 4: 16,969 observations / 2020 species / 531 people
And the overall CNC stats at the end of Day 4: 85,989 observations / 6989 species / 3341 people

Do you think we'll make 100,000 observations total by the end of the CNC? Today is the last day of the Challenge, all observations have to be made by 11:59 pm tonight, so go take those last photos! You'll have a few days to get everything uploaded and identified, the final numbers will be whatever we have as of 9 am on 4/22.

To that end, our friends at the California Center for Natural History are hosting a Wrap Party tonight, 6-9 pm at 7th Street Revolution Cafe. Gather with your fellow naturalists to upload your photos and work on identifying other people's observations made during the City Nature Challenge!

We have some amazing biodiversity in the Bay Area, enjoy these photos of a handful of species seen on Day 4:

Posted on 18 de abril de 2017, 02:23 PM by kestrel kestrel


whoa I gotta get 8000 observations before midnight to put LA in front of SF...

If only I had a bacteria and fungal genetic sequencer

Publicado por charlie mais de 7 anos antes

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