16,000 RGed observations

Today, I reached 16,000 Research-Graded observations.

On 30 Mar 2024, Erik Haney and I chased the Yellow-headed Caracara in Miami. Erik showed me how easy it is to use the iNat app to post sightings. We saw a Peter's Rock Agama perched on a palm trunk while we were waiting to turn onto Miller Drive. Within a few seconds, Erik took an image of the agama with his cell phone, uploaded it to iNat, which then correctly identified it, and then posted it to the web! Impressive! Lately, I've been using the app after work, iNatting plants growing in parking lots and "vacant" fields around dollar stores. It's quite fun! Using the app makes more work for me -- I have to rename every location to my format. Plus, if I also use my camera to photograph the same plant or animal, then I must reconcile the records, which may be posted on different days. I now try to post on iNat using the app on most days.

Posted on 05 de junho de 2024, 12:31 AM by billpranty billpranty


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