15 minutes Butterfly Count with the ButterflyCount smartphone app

Conduct a 15 minute count.

With the ButterflyCount smartphone app you can count butterflies for 15 minutes (and pause at any point to make a photo or identification). You can walk around, move along a path or stay in a field, as long as you enter all the butterflies (including the very common ones) using the app. The app has made it very simple to do so, it records the route with your phone GPS or you can draw yourself the area recorded. You can do one or more 15 minute counts anywhere in Europe as long as the weather is good enough for butterflies to be active. Such 15 minute counts are especially ideal for either remote locations (e.g. rare species on high mountain tops or other remote places) or when you are on holiday. You can do it everywhere: in the garden of your hotel, on the camping site, on a great butterfly spot, or simply along a field beside the road. All counts are welcome.


Posted on 16 de julho de 2024, 06:25 AM by optilete optilete


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