Now Showing: The Leaf Connection Exhibition at Desert Botanical Garden

The Leaf Connection Exhibition
August 24, 2024 to August 24, 2025
Webster Auditorium
Desert Botanical Garden | Phoenix, AZ
Artist Reception: Thursday, September 26, 2024 | 5 pm - 7 pm

Please join me in celebrating the opening of The Leaf Connection Exhibition in the historic Webster Auditorium at the beautiful Desert Botanical Garden.

The installation showcases the vibrant plant diversity of the Phoenix metropolitan area through an intricate display of hand-carved ceramic leaves. With close to 1,000 pieces and counting, each leaf's design is influenced by observations community members record here on iNaturalist,

This is a living installation; one that will evolve and grow during the year-long exhibit. As more people contribute observations on iNaturalist I will add more leaves!

A big thank you to all of you for sharing your observations to The Leaf Connection Project! I hope you will join me at the reception this month to see the leaves you inspired!

CLICK HERE to RSVP for Complimentary Admission to the Garden and Artist Reception.

Read my recent interview with DBG about The Leaf Connection

Posted on 02 de setembro de 2024, 10:12 PM by marymeyerstudio marymeyerstudio



Publicado por cborrell 17 dias antes

Thank you Carol! I hope you can attend the reception!

Publicado por marymeyerstudio 17 dias antes

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