Arquivos de periódicos de janeiro 2019

08 de janeiro de 2019

Observing Wildlife for iNaturalist

Welcome to our class project! When out taking photos please keep the following guidelines in mind:

• It is very important that you do not disturb any wildlife. For your own safety and the safety of the organism, do not touch the organism you are observing. Be aware that some organism, such as threatened species, may be legally protected against harassment (including touching and picking up the organism). Other organism may harm you if touched (such as plants that can cause skin reactions like poison ivy). Some organisms may be provoked if you approach them or their offspring (such as alligators and birds). Keep a safe distance from the organisms you are observing and be aware of your surroundings. Safety is a priority.

• iNaturalist is a public site. Do not upload images that break iNaturalist Terms and Services or violate Copyright Laws.

• Do not take identifiable photos of yourself. It is ok to include your hands, feet, and clothing in your photos, but please do not include full photos of yourself or others in observations.

• Avoid taking a photo of a captive, cultivated, domesticated, and feral organism. Also, only observations within the state of Florida can be added to this project.

• Take multiple, clear photos at different angles. The photo quality needs to be high enough that the organism can be identified.

• Document key information including the time and date at which the observation was taken, the habitat in which your observation was made, visual characteristics of organism, and other important information (behavior, presence of a symbiont, etc.)

Posted on 08 de janeiro de 2019, 01:20 PM by cgrissett cgrissett | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário
