Arquivos de periódicos de agosto 2020

05 de agosto de 2020

July Update

Good afternoon,

We thought we'd start doing a monthly update with some statistics to demonstrate how the Land for Wildlife Logan project is going.

In the month of July there were:

  • 75 observations made
  • 49 different species recorded; and
  • 35 observations of birds which was the most observed category

There were also 12 observations of the Glossy Black cockatoo which is listed as vulnerable under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 so that's great to see!

In future posts we'll also give special mention to members who submit the most observations and most species.

Keep up the great work everyone.

Kind Regards
The Land for Wildlife Logan Team.

Posted on 05 de agosto de 2020, 07:23 AM by environment_logancc environment_logancc | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário