Taxonomic Swap 105596 (Submetido em 18-02-2022)

Adicionado(s) por tonykris em 18 de fevereiro de 2022, 12:53 PM | Committed by tonykris on 18 de fevereiro de 2022
replaced with


@tonykris Why was this change made? Subgenus Lyceana is valid in the taxonomic authority:

Remember that taxonomic changes like this must be explained and cite a source. Your change lacks both.

Publicado por treichard mais de 2 anos antes

Why does the subgenus lycaena exist twice (one inactive, one active)?

Publicado por schoenitz mais de 2 anos antes

The latter was created today by @tonykris. @tonykris would you mind explaining what has happened? If there's a mistake I'm sure we can help sort it out.

Publicado por matthewvosper mais de 2 anos antes

@treichard @schoenitz @matthewvosper I'm confused about the Butterflies of America Species page showing the genus Tharsalea. But when I click into the genus Tharsalea, all species in the genus Tharsalea are represented as Lycaena.
E.g. Lycaena xanthoides :

Publicado por tonykris mais de 2 anos antes

I'm confused because whichever perception of mine I click I always end up with the blue glazier.

Publicado por anja_spin mais de 2 anos antes

The catalog page was updated earlier this month. Other pages may still need an update to match.

This and related taxon changes still need an explanation and cited source. This should have been included before the changes were committed. This current change looks like an error, but if it is not due to other related changes, it needs to be explained and cited.

Publicado por treichard mais de 2 anos antes

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