Taxonomic Swap 26938 (Submetido em 12-12-2017)

Rhamnaceae (Citação)
Adicionado(s) por italopithecus em 12 de dezembro de 2017, 07:44 PM | Committed by italopithecus on 12 de dezembro de 2017
replaced with


@bluecelery: I sincerely doubt that the jujube or sidra trees native to southern Arabia and previously classified as Zizyphus spina-christi are the same species as the Paliurus spina-christi specimen shown in observation 129282. For one thing, those winged fruit are rather distinctive, and I have never seen anything like them in the wadis of southern Arabia, where Z. spina-christi is a dominant species. I have (decades ago) observed sidra (jujube) trees growing in rocky wadis on the eastern margins of the Negev desert, and they seemed broadly similar to the sidra in wadis further south and did not have winged fruit. I have also observed what I was told was Paliurus spina-christi in a canyon on the border between Azerbaijan and Western Georgia. These were bushes, not trees, and the pattern of leaf growth was distinctly different from that seen in the Arabian sidra. I think Z. s-c and P. s-c ranges may possibly overlap in the Eastern Mediterranean region, and the two are clearly related at the family level, but I doubt they should be lumped together in the same genus, let alone classified as the same species.

Publicado por trcarlisle quase 7 anos antes

@marcoschmidtffm FYI you can view and comment on a taxon change such as this

Publicado por bouteloua mais de 6 anos antes

Hmm, looks like this may be related to the issue where iNat does not explicitly distinguish between matching names that have different authors, in this case:
Ziziphus spina-christi (L.) Desf. = accepted
Ziziphus spina-christi (Mill.) Georgi which is apparently jr. synonym to Paliurus spina-christi Mill.

Publicado por bouteloua mais de 6 anos antes

Thank you, @bouteloua ! I think the problem comes from two Z. spina-christi names by different authors for different taxa (, one being accepted and clearly a Ziziphus, the other one synonym of P. spina-christi. So the swap itself was not a good idea moving real Ziziphus observations into Paliurus, but if they can now be reassigned to their correct name, then the problem should be resolved.

Publicado por marcoschmidtffm mais de 6 anos antes

If someone would be so kind to explain me how to reassing a previously synonymized taxon I would be glad to solve this issue.

Publicado por italopithecus mais de 6 anos antes

I believe an admin would have to do it.

Publicado por bouteloua mais de 6 anos antes

Was something done to that? As observations with swapped taxon stayed so, with RG for the wrong species.

Publicado por marina_gorbunova mais de 4 anos antes

At this point I think the wrongly swapped observations will just have to be re-identified one by one.

Publicado por jdmore mais de 4 anos antes

For Africa, the remaining P. spina-christi observations are clearly Paliurus. Would be good to have a look especially at observations from the Middle East.

Publicado por marcoschmidtffm mais de 4 anos antes

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