Heads up: Some or all of the identifications affected by this split may have been replaced with identifications of Staphyleaceae. This happens when we can't automatically assign an identification to one of the output taxa. Review identifications of Turpinia ternata 525102

Taxonomic Split 146924 (Submetido em 18-09-2024)

Turpinia ternata Nakai is a synonym of Staphylea ternata (Nakai) Byng & Christenh.


The name Turpinia pomifera (Roxb.) DC. was synonymized with Turpinia ternata Nakai on iNaturalist, but this is actually a synonym of Dalrympelea pomifera Roxb.:


Both taxa now belong to different genera and since their distribution areas do not overlap, I have decided to carry out a taxon split for the synonym Turpinia ternata.

I still ask the identifiers to check the observations of the two taxa.

POWO (Citação)
Adicionado(s) por kai_schablewski em 18 de setembro de 2024, 06:51 PM | Committed by kai_schablewski on 18 de setembro de 2024
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