Arquivos de periódicos de julho 2024

08 de julho de 2024

Uploaded all records from the Florida Keys.

Ad of today, I have 57,787 digital photographs that I need to upload to iNaturalist, Since I almost certainly will not live long enough to upload all these files while still adding a few hundred new files each week, I am selectively uploading files. I separated all my files, which are stored in folders for each day of photography (2,254 days/folders remain to be uploaded since June 2006), into Florida Panhandle, Florida Peninsula, and Florida Keys. Yesterday, I finished uploading the all my Florida Keys photographs to iNat. Now I am starting on the Panhandle, which has only 24 days of photographs remaining. Once I finish the Panhandle, I will begin selectively adding photographs from the Peninsula other than the Tampa Bay area. That way, I will have a better geographical representation of my records than I have currently.

Posted on 08 de julho de 2024, 11:12 PM by billpranty billpranty | 1 comentário | Deixar um comentário

29 de julho de 2024

18,000 RG records

I have been iNatting at a feverish pace, adding contemporaneous records while also adding some of my 16-year backlog of digital images. I am concentrating on finishing uploading all my Panhandle records (which I should finish by early September), then I will concentrate on the peninsula away from the Tampa Bay area, from which the bulk of my observations originate.

On the negative side, my "Needs ID" list has jumped to nearly 3,000 records (2,925 at the moment) because I am adding so many records. I prefer that my "Needs ID" list be under 1,000 records.

Posted on 29 de julho de 2024, 02:31 PM by billpranty billpranty | 1 comentário | Deixar um comentário