Arquivos de periódicos de outubro 2024

21 de outubro de 2024

Uploaded all photographs from the Panhandle.

This weekend, I finally uploaded my final three days of photographs from the Panhandle -- everything from Leon and Wakulla counties westward to the Alabama line. It's rather discouraging how little iNatting I have done in the Panhandle -- and am likely to do over the next several years -- but at least all my images are now input into iNaturalist.

This same day, I also attained uploading 25,000 records to iNat (currently 25,240), but since 3,818 of these records have not been Research Graded, then the 25,000 total means very little. I'll celebrate when I have uploaded 25,000 Research Grade records in several months' time.

Posted on 21 de outubro de 2024, 03:05 AM by billpranty billpranty | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário