Arquivos de periódicos de abril 2024

12 de abril de 2024


The newspapers report that the air temperature in the last ten months has always been significantly above the expected. Vegetation is at least 1 month ahead. After exceptionally warm April days of up to 28° C, there are repeated drops in temperature, then it suddenly returns to 0°C at night. The butterfly season starts slowly: After several observations of Aglais urticae, Gonepteryx rhamni, Anthocharis cardamines and the first Lycaenidae are flying. As soon as the sun shines, there is a strikingly large variety of wild bees and hoverflies. Spiders and beetles are also easy to spot. Many thanks to all of you who can help with IDs!

Posted on 12 de abril de 2024, 05:35 AM by spyr spyr | 28 observações | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

16 de abril de 2024

Mystery bird

Who recognizes this hissing? It is the last sequence of a longer series of screeches and hisses heard at 3 a.m. in a larger area with meadows and old trees. Two animals were involved, which later moved away in two different directions. At first, they were calling in quick succession, when they were separated, at greater intervals. Because the recorded voice, as it came closer, came from above and moved very quickly (and otherwise silently), we wonder if an owl may have been behind it? Can anyone help solve the mystery? Thank you very much!

Posted on 16 de abril de 2024, 04:59 AM by spyr spyr | 1 observação | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário