14 de março de 2024

Tracking Anthidium manicatum Tas

Sightings in Newnham suggest bee has naturalised and spread throughout launceston.


Recently (03/04/24) was informed of regular sightings in Wattle Hill, South West Tasmania.

Posted on 14 de março de 2024, 09:34 AM by tristantas tristantas | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

01 de janeiro de 2024

Anthidium Manicatum across Tasmania

First confirmed observation in Hobart

This confirms my suspicions that they have likely spread across the state

Posted on 01 de janeiro de 2024, 09:27 AM by tristantas tristantas | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

27 de dezembro de 2023

New Anthidium manicatum sightings

One from facebook (date TBA) in prospect vale

One in South Launceston

Posted on 27 de dezembro de 2023, 11:08 AM by tristantas tristantas | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

30 de novembro de 2023

Tracking Anthidium manicatum 2


First reports of observations are coming in through online sources (iNat and Tasmanian Insect ans Spiders facebook page)

I have seen one (at the possible origin site and site of first confirmed ID) fleetingly, and was unable to photograph.

Today, (Morty Berd) a facebook user told me of several he has seen on the wing at his property for roughly 3 weeks, today he captured male and female specimens.

Posted on 30 de novembro de 2023, 11:05 PM by tristantas tristantas | 1 comentário | Deixar um comentário

14 de março de 2023

Tracking Anthidium manicatum in the greater Launceston Region.

After the first confirmed sighting of Anthidium manicatum (by me) on 4th of march 2022 (https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/107864391) and the capture of male and female specimens for NRE, I took it upon myself, to track its spread across the launceston region. Side note: It was this observation and the week of investigations and collaboration with NRE (biosecurity) that ignited a passion for naturalism. It it thought the vector of entry was the new house that was built next door, likely the timber or cladding shipped from interstate contained a nest/s.

In the year since A. maniccatum has been observed on iNat by two other individuals. One was not far from the original observation point (https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/146390919). The other was much further afield in St. Leonards (https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/147559951).

There have been several observations on the Tasmanian insects and Spiders facebook, with one in West Launceston and another (at least) at an undisclosed location.

Once i figure out how I am going to properly log this data i.e. not a phone note pad app. I hope to be able to see some patterns and track any possible negative implications for our natives.

So far, in our garden at least, I have not noticed any negative effects on our native or honey bee populations. If anything there are higher number and more species, this is likely due to the nature of the garden.

Feel free to let me know of other observations

Posted on 14 de março de 2023, 07:41 AM by tristantas tristantas | 1 comentário | Deixar um comentário
