Chrysops laniger Loew, 1860 - Identification

Small (length 7.5 mm), partly grey, partly white species, with face and body thickly clothed with white hair, with black antennae and legs, and with semi-hyaline wings conspicuously marked with brown, as shown in fig. 3. First antennal segment extremly thick. Thorax and scutellum blackish. Abdomen under the hair cover tricolor: first segements with dark ground colour, middle part pale reddish-yellowish and the tip dark.

Illustrated in Austen 1911:

Widespread from Cape to Kenya.

Original description by Loew:

Description by Austen as Chrysops cana:
Austen, E. (1911). Three new African species of the genus Chrysops (Family Tabanidæ). Bulletin of Entomological Research, 2(2), 161-168. doi:10.1017/S000748530000136X

iNat observation:

Posted on 13 de julho de 2023, 04:04 PM by traianbertau traianbertau


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