Snakes of Bexar County

A guide to the snakes of Bexar County, Texas.
These snakes are listed in approximately the frequency with which they could expect to be seen in the county (based on my experience). Those closer to the top of the page are common in much of the county, those towards the bottom are rarer, ...mais ↓

Checkered Garter Snake 1
Thamnophis marcianus
Great Plains Ratsnake 2
Pantherophis emoryi
Western Ribbon Snake 1
Thamnophis proximus
Diamondback Watersnake 1
Nerodia rhombifer
Plain-bellied Watersnake 1
Nerodia erythrogaster
Eastern Patch-nosed Snake 3
Salvadora grahamiae
DeKay's Brownsnake 5
Storeria dekayi
Rough Earthsnake 6
Haldea striatula
Texas Coralsnake 7
Micrurus tener
Rough Greensnake 1
Opheodrys aestivus
Western Rat Snake 8
Pantherophis obsoletus
Coachwhip 9
Masticophis flagellum
Texas Blind Snake 1
Rena dulcis
Desert Kingsnake 1
Lampropeltis splendida
Chihuahuan Nightsnake 4
Hypsiglena jani
Tamaulipan Milksnake 1
Lampropeltis annulata
Brahminy Blindsnake 10
Indotyphlops braminus
Broad-banded Copperhead 1
Agkistrodon laticinctus
Cottonmouth (aka Water Moccasin) 2
Agkistrodon piscivorus
Eastern Hognose Snake 11
Heterodon platirhinos
Bullsnake 1
Pituophis catenifer
Flat-headed Snake 12
Tantilla gracilis
Graham's Crayfish Snake 8
Regina grahamii
Schott's Whipsnake 1
Masticophis schotti
Long-nosed Snake 1
Rhinocheilus lecontei
Striped Whipsnake 13
Masticophis taeniatus
Yellow-bellied Kingsnake 14
Lampropeltis calligaster
Central American Indigo Snake 1
Drymarchon melanurus
Western Groundsnake 1
Sonora semiannulata
Western Hog-nosed Snake 15
Heterodon nasicus
Black-necked Gartersnake 1
Thamnophis cyrtopsis
Lined Snake 16
Tropidoclonion lineatum
Glossy Snake 1
Arizona elegans
Plains Black-headed Snake 17
Tantilla nigriceps
Yellow-bellied Racer 1
Coluber constrictor
Baird's Ratsnake 1
Pantherophis bairdi
Ringneck Snake 18
Diadophis punctatus
Timber Rattlesnake 19
Crotalus horridus

Edited by Chris Harrison, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

Photo Credits

  • 1. (c) Chris Harrison, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Chris Harrison
  • 2. (c) tom spinker, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC-ND)
  • 3. (c) J. N. Stuart, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC-ND)
  • 4. (c) J. N. Stuart, todos os direitos reservados, uploaded by J. N. Stuart
  • 5. (c) Matthew Ireland, todos os direitos reservados, uploaded by Matthew Ireland
  • 6. (c) Andrew Hollander, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA)
  • 7. (c) David G. Barker, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC), uploaded by David G. Barker
  • 8. (c) Shaun Hayes, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Shaun Hayes
  • 9. (c) Hunter Desportes, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY)
  • 10. (c) allcreaturesbigandsmall, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC)
  • 11. (c) USFWSmidwest, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY)
  • 12. (c) Diana-Terry Hibbitts, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Diana-Terry Hibbitts
  • 13. (c) Mark Pyle, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Mark Pyle
  • 14. (c) karlierae, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC), uploaded by karlierae
  • 15. (c) Psyon, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)
  • 16. (c) Mike Keeling, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-ND)
  • 17. Gary M. Stolz, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, sem restrições de direitos de autor conhecidas (domínio público)
  • 18. (c) Alex Baecher, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Alex Baecher
  • 19. (c) Tad Arensmeier, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY)