Tabanus gratus Loew, 1858 - Identification

The eye of the female has a shining green ground-colour, with a border and a central band of shining crimson. The male eye has the lower small-facetted position banded and coloured like the female eye, the large-facetted upper portion being dull greenish grey with a central band of dull crimson-brownish.
Thorax black; brown median stripe traverses thorax and lateral margins of the scutellum. Sublateral stripes greyish brown. Wing clear and R4 has no appendix. Abdomen brown, slender and tapers to the posterior end; with white median and two lateral stripes pale brownish or grey; median stripe narrow in first two segments but widens on the third, widest on the fourth segment before it tapering down to last segment. Lateral stripes wide on first and second segments but gradually narrow.

Original description by Loew:

Illustrated in Austen:

Illustrated in Neave 1912. Plate X, fig. 8:

Distributed throughout entire Afrotropical region outside the equatorial forest region.

Posted on 25 de julho de 2023, 03:15 PM by traianbertau traianbertau


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